You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.6. Maintenance - Import Data > Import Data Specifying the header details

Import Data - Specifying the Import Details

To import a data file into Micronet, you need to specify the Micronet master file you want data imported into, the file containing the data you want to import, and the details you want imported from that file.


Micrconet displays the Import Procedure screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:






Enter the description of the import template file you want to create. Micronet stores this template for any future importing that may be required from the same data file.


Import Into

Select the Micronet master file you want to import your data into.


Using Index

Select the index you want Micronet to use.


From File

Enter or select the file you want to import from.

Select the folder button to display the standard windows Open window so you can locate your file.

Select the magnifier button to display the document you have located in Notepad for a last check.


File Type

Select the type of file you want to import. Options are:

  • ASCII, Delimited – import a CSV (comma separated variable) file. This is the preferred option.
  • ASCII, Fixed – import an ASCII fixed file
  • Excel – import a Microsoft Excel file.


Header Record

2.8 Feature

Select one of the following options:

  • No – the file you are importing does not have a header row
  • Yes – the file you are importing has a header row
  • Yes contains Field Names – the file you are importing has a header row that contains the field names.


Import Mode

Select the update method for the data you are importing into the Micronet database. Options are:

  • Add/Update – Micronet will either add the record if it doesn’t exist, or update it with new information if the record exists
  • Add Only – Micronet will only add new records; if the record currently exists, then the details will remain unchanged
  • Update Only – Micronet will only update existing records; if the record does not exist, the details will not be added.
  Always Add  
  1. Select the data you want to import into the Micronet master file in one of the following ways:


Technical Tip

There are some mandatory fields you need to include in the import procedure for the Inventory master file and the Debtors master file. For more information, refer to "Mandatory Fields".

When you have finished, Micronet displays the fields to be imported at the bottom of the Import Procedure screen.

  1. If required, add further fields by repeating the previous step.
  1. Optionally, if you want to:
  1. Once you have defined the import details, run the import by selecting FILE | IMPORT.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

Micronet checks whether the company lockdown flag is set (for more information, refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Company Lockdown (v2.8)"). If the company is not locked down, Micronet displays the following message:

You should only select Yes if you are absolutely certain the import will not corrupt your data. If in doubt, contact the Micronet Service Desk. If you select Yes, the action, date and time will be logged in the Micronet.log file.

Note that this message is not displayed when the import is run automatically through a batch file as a scheduled task.

Micronet imports the data from the import file into the Micronet data file.

Micronet logs the import procedure in the micronet.log file and makes a backup copy of the original data file. The name and path of this backup file are written to the micronet.log file.